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Built on the Odoo platform, any of our services can be combined together to suit your business.

We work with you to refine and optimize our services to fit your unique needs.

Hosting remotely, we securely back up your sensitive information and allow access from anywhere.
A frictionless and secure future for health care is available today.
Join a growing network of medical practices that provide a higher quality of care and can seamlessly transfer patients and electronic medical records across multiple specialties, facilities and physical locations. All this is done securely using encryption of all data at rest and in transit. The PAN Enterprise platform was developed for managing multiple independent or related clinics, hospitals, and medical practices. It also creates a country wide database of patients and medical practitioners. The platform can manage and visualise every part of your operations from Electronic Medical Records to Point of Sales. To create a paperless future for health care that is secure, lower cost, more effective and efficient for patients and professionals.